Brazilian Butt Lift Santa Rosa

Boost, Refine, and Sculpt Your Buttocks with BBL Surgery

Struggling to alter the shape of your body, especially your backside? A Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) offers a cosmetic solution for body shaping and contouring, designed to enhance and sculpt your buttocks. Dr. Greg Chernoff performs this expert procedure to modify and elevate the buttocks' appearance without the need for implants.

This technique involves using surplus fat from your body, which is meticulously injected into the buttocks to attain the enhancement you desire.

What Is A Brazilian Butt Lift?

Dr. Greg Chernoff conducts a Brazilian Butt Lift Augmentation by transferring fat through liposuction from a different body part, often the abdomen or any area the patient prefers for fat removal. This method of relocating fat from one location to another negates the necessity for buttock implants.

The injection of fat demands expertise and accuracy to ensure a natural-looking final appearance, providing proper projection and uniformly shaped buttocks.

Could You Be Suitable for a Brazilian Butt Lift?

A BBL procedure assists in overcoming genetic influences that dictate your buttocks' contour. Although exercises aimed at shaping and toning the buttocks can enhance their look, they often fall short in providing the volume and shape sought after by many women.

A Brazilian Butt Lift:

  • Enhances the fullness of your body's contours
  • Balances the proportions of your buttocks
  • Sculpts and defines your buttocks
  • Removes excess fat from other body areas

Before undergoing BBL surgery, a thorough medical history review is conducted to assess the patient's overall health. Dr. Chernoff will explain the surgery details, the anesthesia involved, the achievable outcomes, and the recovery phase. Since aesthetic objectives vary from one patient to another, Dr. Chernoff tailors a specific treatment plan for you during your first consultation.

A Brazilian Butt Lift is carried out by Dr. Chernoff through several critical steps to meticulously add volume to the targeted areas. The procedure involves:

  • Identifying and marking the regions where increased volume is needed
  • Marking the donor sites for fat removal
  • Creating tiny incisions at both the donor and enhancement sites
  • Injecting tumescent fluid to minimize pain, bruising, and bleeding
  • Extracting fat via liposuction and then purifying it
  • Reinjecting the cleaned fat into the buttocks area
  • Sealing the incisions

Recovery from a Brazilian Butt Lift can be quick, often just a few days post-procedure, though healing duration varies based on the volume of fat transferred. The discomfort is generally mild to moderate and manageable with oral pain relief. A critical post-operative guideline is to avoid sitting directly on your buttocks for two months, using a cushion if necessary and minimizing sitting time.

To ward off infection, patients are advised to shower daily and continue antibiotic use. Post-surgery, patients should rest and limit activity, with Dr. Chernoff advising on when to return to regular activities. Temporary swelling, bruising, numbness, and increased sensitivity in the treated area are common but typically subside.

Getting Ready for Surgery

Before undergoing any surgical operation, Dr. Chernoff advises all our patients to review our "Patient Guide for Plastic Surgery". This guide outlines crucial considerations for patients contemplating surgery.

What Outcomes Can You Anticipate After Your BBL Surgery in Santa Rosa?

You will see an immediate increase in the size of your buttocks right after the procedure. However, the ultimate transformation of your buttocks might take some time to become fully visible, once the swelling has completely subsided and the transferred fat has stabilized and established a new blood supply.

Dr. Chernoff will provide a realistic overview of the outcomes you can anticipate post-surgery. The majority of patients will notice a more voluptuous rear and enhanced proportions of the lower body, which can also lead to better posture and balance in the lower body, in addition to improved fit of clothing. These enhancements are typically long-lasting.

Why Choose Chernoff Cosmetic Surgery Center of Excellence?

Dr. Greg Chernoff is a highly qualified facial and reconstructive plastic surgeon with triple board certification. When contemplating cosmetic surgery for body enhancement, selecting a top-tier breast and body plastic surgeon is crucial. The right surgeon can significantly impact your satisfaction with the results, offering natural-looking outcomes versus subpar ones.

At the Breast and Body Contouring Center of Excellence led by Dr. Chernoff, you are guaranteed a surgeon with the necessary certifications, profound knowledge, vast experience, exceptional surgical abilities, and an eye for aesthetics. He holds certifications from The American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, The American Board of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, and The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Known as an esteemed aesthetic surgeon and educator, Dr. Chernoff is a trusted name in the field.

Entrust your breast and body surgical enhancements to Dr. Chernoff. With a track record of thousands of successful cosmetic surgeries and procedures for both men and women in Santa Rosa, CA, and beyond, he has been a leading surgeon for over three decades.

Your body is unique. Ensure you choose the most seasoned plastic surgeon for your enhancement needs to achieve “Your Natural Best!”