EON Fat Reduction


Robotic, Touchless Technology for Body Contouring

Chernoff Cosmetic Surgery in Santa Rosa is thrilled to offer the first revolutionary non-surgical robotic, touchless fat reduction system, EON.

EON is a non-surgical service is an effortless way to eliminate stubborn fat and reach your body goals in downtime. Chernoff Cosmetic Surgery is among the first providers in California to offer EON!


What is EON?

EON is a remarkable new fat reduction and body contouring system. This one of a kind technology features touchless technology and robotic precision for a truly modern experience and exceptional results.

EON works to reduce unwanted fat utilizing precise and targeted laser energy. EON, manufactured by Dominion Aesthetic Technologies, Inc., is the world’s first non-invasive, non-contact body shaping technology that is FDA-cleared for abdominal fat reduction. The EON technology’s robotic intelligence, safety and reliability are just a few reasons why our patients can’t stop talking about this new and remarkable fat reduction treatment.

How Does EON Work & What Are the Results?

EON results are clinical proven. In a clinical study, EON patients lost and average of 21.6%. Even more remarkable some patients experienced 40% fat loss. All patients in the study reported fat loss after a single treatment.

EON non-contact robotic technology safely and consistently treats more targeted surface area in one hour than other fat reduction technologies. EON utilizes thermal laser energy and cooling technology to heat targeted fat which is naturally removed from your body.

EON works to reduce fat and shape your body as follows:

  • EON heats targeted fat cells uniformly up to 51°C while proprietary cooling technology keeps the skin cool and comfortable at 39.5°C.
  • The targeted fat cells begin slow programmed cell death, called apoptosis. The body naturally disposes of the dead fat cells through the lymphatic system. Permanent fat reduction is achieved 12 weeks after treatment.
  • EON utilizes 12 unique smart sensors that maps your physique for a personalized treatment. The smart sensors detect the skin’s temperature and adjust the delivery of laser energy into the treatment area. The treatment head is driven by an articulated robotic arm that delivers consistent laser energy while heating adipose tissue to eliminate stubborn fat while breakthrough jet-impingement cooling technology creates comfort for the patient.
  • The average patient experiences 6.3mm of permanent fat loss and over 96% of patients would recommend this procedure.
    EON fat reduction and body contouring technology doesn’t require incisions, insertion of cannulas or anesthesia!

How is EON Different From Other Fat Reduction & Other Body Shaping Technology?

EON offers many distinct benefits to patients and is different from other leading non-surgical fat reductions systems. Some of the benefits of EON are:

  • EON is FDA cleared technology for abdominal fat reduction
  • The treatment is easy and quick requiring only 20-minute per area sessions
  • The system is completely touchless – no pulling, pinching, sucking
  • No anesthesia is required
  • Noticeable results in just one treatment
  • Can be repeated for maximum body sculpting
  • No downtime or aftercare

Eon is completely automated. The system utilizes smart-sensor technology to map the targeted area for customized treatment of your belly fat. EON is the next generation of smart body contouring.


Who is a Candidate for EON?

EON is not for men or women who are interested in weight loss. EON treats larger abdominal areas and may be an ideal treatment for patients with higher BMIs. EON can be used on all skin types.

Individuals who may be a candidate for EON body contouring are patients who:

  • Have healthy eating habits and an active lifestyle
  • Have not seen the desired fat loss results despite proper dieting and consistent exercise
  • Is not a candidate for surgical procedures and/or is not interested in surgery
  • Is looking for a non-invasive, non-surgical body contouring treatment

EON is currently FDA-cleared to treat the abdominal fat area for a slimmer waistline. It is designed to target and reduce unwanted belly fat that is holding you back from your ideal figure. Be sure to ask a member of our team if EON can help with any other problem areas that you may have. More treatment areas are coming soon!

Prior to any treatment or procedure, Dr. Chernoff or one of our trained and certified Health Care Providers determine if you are a candidate, review the risk and benefits, and provide all possible treatment alternatives.


Do EON Treatments Hurt or Cause Discomfort?

Due to the use of the effective laser energy and proprietary cooling technology, treatments with EON are completely comfortable. EON does not require sticky, cooling gels or large, bulky applicators. The complete touchless nature of EON is a notable feature for fat reduction treatments.

The nozzles in the treatment head blast cold air at a high velocity. As the cold air strikes the surface of the skin, the cool air spreads out in a radial pattern. The heat from the surface is extracted by the radial spreading jet of the cold air, cooling the skin dramatically. EON’s laser gently heats fat cells without touching the skin. This causes unwanted fat cells to die, and your body eliminates the dead fat cells through the lymphatic system. Permanent fat reduction is achieved 12 weeks after treatment.

During EON’s clinical trials, participants rated their comfort level of the treatment on a scale from 1-10. With 1 being comfortable and 10 being painful, the average rate was less than a 3.

Is There Any Downtime After an EON Treatment?

There is absolutely no downtime with EON! Patients can resume their daily routines immediately after treatment. This is the perfect treatment for patients with busy schedules! Unlike other leading fat reduction treatments, EON does not require any clean up or post-treatment care.