Hello I’m dr. Greg Chernoff and I’d like to talk to you about the very popular operation known as breast augmentation. Many women, from a hereditary standpoint are born with smaller sized breasts, after childbearing years many women lose bulk to the upper poles of their breasts and simply want them back to where they were before babies the field of breast augmentation has improved dramatically over the years with implants now looking and feeling much more natural. The new silicone gel implants are very safe and can provide a patient with a result for which most people when they’re done properly won’t know that they have implants. This is a very simple one-hour operation, typically the implant is put underneath your pectoralis major muscle, your own muscle acts as an internal bra if you will to help support the implant over time.
The most important time to consider if you’re thinking about breast augmentation is your consultation process. You have to be realistic, in many ways you can only put so big of a hand inside a glove it also takes a certain size hand to fill up a certain glove so when you come in for your consultation we’ll spend a lot of time listening to you as it relates to what you’re wanting to achieve and I’ll help you understand if that’s realistic or not. So, if you’re considering a breast augmentation I look forward to meeting you and going through the informational process